Monday, 3 June 2013

Teach Task 6, Part 2: ds106

The second tool I looked at after Alan Levine's session was ds106. I thought this was a fun site to use. It was pretty easy to navigate around and the assignments were interesting and fun to do as well.

The site would be fun to do with different grades, but it might not be as easy for younger students. The younger students may need more assistance, so either you need to do it with only a few students at once or have some older students in to help. Older students would easily be able to do these assignments on their own. It would be fun to do art projects and have students pick one of the visual assignments then have it printed. It would also be fun for them to experiment with the different types of assignments and the tools that they could use for them.

Here is the description for the first assignment I tried out.
  • Have you ever heard and song and a particular lyric stood out to you right away?  I think all of us have had the feeling at least once.  For this assignment use one of those lyrics that stood out to you and make it into a visual.  Use some kind of background that represents the lyric and place the lyrics over it in some way.  Be creative! But make sure that your visual product evokes the same kind feeling that the lyric of the song does.
Here is what I came up with!

And the instructions for the second assignment:
  • Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler's List.

    You can do this in a number of ways with photo editing software or using mobile apps. The answer lies in the Google
Here's what I came up with for this one!

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